Is Advanced Dungeons & Dragons still a fun time after 50 years?

AD&D was first published in 1977. Today is 2024 that was 47 years ago. While the game Dungeons & Dragons still is being played today, the game you play today is NOT the same game that was made in 1970’s. The style of play, the mindset, the toolset, the environment, the approach, the math skills, and the social interaction are all of a different type and level. This is not to say better than, or worse than, only DIFFERENT. Chess is a fun game, so is checkers but they are DIFFERENT games. I invite you to take a look at the game available today at

player’s handbook $10

dungeon master’s guide $10

monster manual $10

a selection of good first adventures include;

N1 Against the Cult of the Reptile God a mystery adventure $7

T1 The Village of Hommlet bandits disrupting the trade routes $5

U1 The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh a haunted house on the hill $5

L1 The Secret of Bone Hill a castle of undead and monsters on the hill $5

For less than the cost of a tank of gas you can invest in a collection of books that will fuel your imagination, hone your basic math skills, exercise your problem solving abilities, develop your teamwork, and generally advance your personal character.

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